Access Control Systems
Access control enables you to control who has access to your building. Locks and keys also allow you to secure your building, but when keys are lost or stolen, the inconvenience and expense of changing locks and re-issuing keys can be considerable. Keys may also be copied, creating even more security risks, with access control system the worry of lost keys and the expensive replacements disappear.

Key Fobs
With a large array of products from access control, wireless door handles, and door entry systems, Paxton makes it easy to know who is coming and going with easy to use software.
Key Fobs
With a large array of products from access control, wireless door handles, and door entry systems, Paxton makes it easy to know who is coming and going with easy to use software.

Want to know more
For more information on products that are best suited for you please call us and we would be happy to assist you in all your security and access control needs. you can also visit Paxton's website for a view of products they offer at